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Retrospect of a Great Tour

June 8, 2008 – home in Virginia

Tim: Looking back, Lois, our fears about traveling were unfounded.


strange food to old no freedom cost too much will get sick hate Americans don't speak Italian won't find bathrooms get robbed

We will not be able to eat the strange food.

Not true. We loved absolutely everything, including the new foods we would never find at home. Yes, there are McDonalds aplenty, but we didn't have the urge to eat there even once.

We are too old.

Sixty is the new 40. We're healthy, fit—could be better, but we never fell behind, not once—and have that spirit of adventure. Who knows what next year will bring? No excuses.

We won't have the freedom on a tour to do the things that we like.

Our tour group saw all the sights and did all the things a first-time visitor should do. But, most important, we had free time to rest when we wanted to rest, eat and shop, and see things that were maybe only of interest to us. Having some time to be spontaneous was important to us.

It will cost too much.

A two-week trip with all the trimmings takes a bite out of savings, no question. The euro peaked against the U.S. dollar the week we left. Yet, we have no regrets and we feel that we got very good value in that we had exceptional fun the whole time. And what sights we did see! We were able to exercise all our senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) as well as our feet, and we could not have done that sitting at home.

We will get sick.

Well, we could get sick here at home, too. There was no rational reason to think we would get some strange illness just because we were in Europe. And, of course, we didn't. Fact is we were healthy the entire trip. Even eating lots of great food, we actually lost a few pounds.

Europeans hate Americans now.

Not a single unfriendly face or rude behavior; that was our experience. We tried to fit in and maintain smiles, saying please and excuse me and thank you. We did feel welcomed.

No one will understand English and we don't speak Italian.

Tim: There was a funny moment in an out-of-the-way cafĂ© that illustrates a point. As Italian men sipped their espressos at the counter and the barmaid seemed to have an argument with the politician on the TV, I feared trying to order sandwiches. Having practiced with language tapes prior to this trip, I slowly spoke up. "Scuzzi, ma il no parlo bene l' Italiano." (Excuse me, but I do not speak Italian well.) She smiled broadly and in perfect English said, "That's okay. What would you like? Have a seat and we'll bring it to you." So kind and so friendly. Europeans appreciate the effort to speak their languages greatly. With Rick's phrase book and a bit of practice beforehand, we would not be afraid to travel anywhere in Europe—ever.

We won't find bathrooms.

Bathrooms are available if you know where to expect them. Now, it is true that some bathrooms are not up to American standards and some are not well maintained. Hey, that is just as true here. The rule we followed was to take note of facilities as we passed them and not wait too long. Of course, our tour guide knew where eachsquat style facility and every bathroom was located and allowed for necessaries.

(Okay, many Americans have fears of finding bathrooms like this temporary john outside the Ostia Antica gate.)

We'll get lost ... or robbed ... or kidnapped ... or imprisoned in a dungeon for the rest of our lives!

Okay, so about the worst that can happen is taking a wrong turn here and there. You are liable to have a tougher time at Disney World.

Lois: Hey, sometimes I get lost at the shopping mall, but I always find my way.

Nightmares about pickpockets everywhere were unrealistic, nonetheless we took all the advice about money belts and being aware of the environment. As for the other fears, get real!

Lois: Let's see, we haven't been to southern France ... or Spain ... or Holland ... or Scandinavia ... or Austria ... or Turkey. There is just so much we want to see. Ooh, ooh Greece! Let's go to Greece.

Guest Book

Tim: Andiamo!